// Server Cvar checking tool // // Version: 1.0 // Function: Checks the server settings are correct. // Author: Gandy // Date: 21 October 2003 // // Note: This doesnt check every cvar clanbase sets, i removed the unimportant / Obvious settings. To save time // // echo "^3Team Chat only on" set cg_teamChatsOnly "1" clear set wait4res "wait 250" echo "^4Server Cvar Check Script by ^-G^$@^-NdY^$|^-n^$R" echo "^4Only checks the most important ones" vstr wait4res echo "^4Please wait patiently while this script is executed" echo "^4you wont be able to do anything while it is executing" vstr wait4res echo "^4checking serverside cvars" echo "^4***************************" echo "" pb_cvarval timelimit echo "^3timelimit should be 20" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval scorelimit echo "^3scorelimit should be CB:0 OGL:8" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_friendlyfire echo "^3g_friendlyfire Should be 1" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_forcerespawn echo "^3g_forcerespawn should be 1" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_followenemy echo "^3g_followenemy Should be 0" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_forcefollow echo "^3g_forcefollow Should be 1" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_smoothclients echo "^3g_smoothclients should be 1" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_speed echo "^3g_speed should be 280" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_gravity echo "^3g_gravity should be 800" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_knockback echo "^3g_knockback should be 700" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_backpackrespawn echo "^3g_backpackrespawn should be 40" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_respawninterval echo "^3g_respawninterval should be 15" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_respawninvulnerability echo "^3g_respawninvulnerability should be 5" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_roundtimelimit echo "^3g_roundtimelimit should be 3" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_roundstartdelay echo "^3g_roundstartdelay 5" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval gt_flagreturntime echo "^3gt_flagreturntime should be 40" vstr wait4res // Required OSP match settings pb_cvarval sv_enableadminpowers echo "^3sv_enableadminpowers should be 0" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_fixedshotgun echo "^3g_fixedshotgun should be 0" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_realgrenades echo "^3g_realgrenades should be 0" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_enhancedbugfixes echo "^3g_enhancedbugfixes should be 0" vstr wait4res // Recommended match settings pb_cvarval g_synchronousClients echo "^3g_synchronousClients should be 0" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval sv_pure echo "^3sv_pure should be 1" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval sv_fps echo "^3sv_fps should be 20" vstr wait4res pb_cvarval g_needpass echo "^3g_needpass should be 1" vstr wait4res set cg_teamChatsOnly "0" echo "^3Team Chat only off" condump pb_cvar_check.log