// // KEY BINDINGS // unbindall ////////// // weapons ////////// bind 1 "weapon 1" bind 2 "weapon 2" bind 3 "weapon 3" bind 4 "weapon 4" bind 5 "weapon 5" bind 6 "weapon 6" bind 7 "weapon 7" bind 8 "weapon 8" bind 9 "weapon 9" bind 0 "weapon 10" // weapon special keys bind - "+zoomout" bind = "+zoomin" // attack and altattack bind CTRL +attack bind MOUSE1 +attack bind MOUSE2 +altattack // reload and firingmode bind r +reload bind \ +firemode bind q +leanleft bind e +leanright // weaponnext and weaponprevious bind MWHEELUP weapprev bind MWHEELDOWN weapnext bind f drop // extra keys bind b ui_outfitting bind o ui_objectives bind n ui_team bind m +automap ///////////////////// // CHARACTER CONTROLS ///////////////////// bind UPARROW +forward bind DOWNARROW +back bind LEFTARROW +left bind RIGHTARROW +right bind w +forward bind a +moveleft bind , +moveleft bind s +back bind d +moveright bind . +moveright bind ALT +strafe bind KP_NUMLOCK +autorun //run bind SHIFT +speed //look up and down bind DEL +lookdown bind PGDN +lookup bind HOME +mlook bind END centerview bind SPACE +goggles //jump and crouch bind c +movedown bind m +movedown bind v +moveup bind x +moveup //objectives bind TAB "+scores" bind ENTER "+use" bind t messagemode bind y messagemode2 bind j messagemode3 bind k messagemode4 bind g "ui_radio" // // CLIENT ENVIRONMENT COMMANDS // bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind ` "toggleconsole" // Voting bind f1 "vote yes" bind f2 "vote no" seta cg_impactPrediction "1" seta scorelimit "20" seta timelimit "0"